Contact Us

Get the right answer, faster! Here’s where to direct your inquiries. 

Membership ( | Learn membership types, benefits and pricing and join now.

Member Directory ( | Do you want to expand your network this year? Update your member profile today. It’s how the world of real estate finds and sees you. Not yet a member? Join today.

Knowledge Finder ( | Knowledge Finder brings much of ULI’s content together under a powerful search engine for the first time. As a ULI member, you can find reports and Case Studies that offer the knowledge you need to succeed. Not yet a member? Join today.

Navigator ( | As a ULI member, you gain visibility as an industry leader on a local, regional, and global level. Find and connect to ULI opportunities to lead and volunteer through Navigator. Not yet a member? Join today.


ULI Customer Service | [email protected] | 1-800-321-5011

Get assistance with:

  • joining ULI or renewing your membership
  • connecting to the ULI platforms listed above (or any technology issues)
  • paying for your event registration, including guest and group registration


Management Committee | Meet the volunteers running ULI Oklahoma – see Our Leaders.


Oklahoma District Council Leadership & Management

Michelle McBeath Lubbers, Executive Director | [email protected]

Travis Tinnin, Tulsa Coordinator | [email protected]

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