ULI Oklahoma: Claremore Pattern Zoning and Trails System (CLAREMORE)


2024-06-27T16:00:00 - 2024-06-27T18:00:00

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    North Block Common Will open in a new window 115 N Missouri Ave Claremore, OK 74017 UNITED STATES


    Pricing Members Non-Members
    All Types $10.00 $20.00
    Help Desk: [email protected] | 1-800-321-5011

    Join us for a presentation and tour of Claremore's pattern zoning development progress and trails system featuring Kyle Clifton, Director of Planning and Development at City of Claremore. After the tour and presentation, we'll meet at Main Street Tavern for happy hour!

    Members: $10
    Non-Members: $20


    Problems registering? Please call Customer Service (1-800-321-5011) and reference event #8172-2419

    If you are requesting a complimentary registration (Sponsor, etc.) contact the ULI Oklahoma general mailbox at [email protected].


    North Block Common 115 N Missouri Ave Claremore, OK 74017 UNITED STATES

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    Kyle Clifton

    City Planner, Claremore Industrial & Economic Development Authority

    For over seven years, Director of Planning and Development Kyle Clifton has been utilizing his diverse experiences to transform and redefine Claremore, Oklahoma. Kyle was a leading voice behind the development and creation of the Claremore 2040 Comprehensive Plan, which received the 2020 Oklahoma American Planning Association Chapter's Outstanding Plan Award. Additionally, he was responsible for creating and implementing the Claremore Unified Development Code, which streamlined the development process and eliminated municipal policy redundancy. As part of this process, he served on a team that developed a transformational housing solution called Pattern Zones. In addition to his role with the City, Kyle serves as Board President of Claremore Main Street and has played a pivotal role in outlining the organization's future mission, goals, and objectives. He also sits on committees for Be Well Rogers County, Claremore Placemakers, the Rogers County Comprehensive Plan and previously served as a board member of the Claremore Area Chamber of Commerce. Kyle was recognized as a member of the 2018 Rogers County 40 under 40 class and was awarded the Claremore Main Street "Behind the Scenes Builder Award" in 2019. He received his Master's Degree in Urban Design from the University of Oklahoma in 2018 as a member of Tau Sigma Delta, Xi Chapter and earned special recognition through the Christopher Gibbs College of Architecture for Distinction in Urban Design. Kyle is a Certified Planner through the American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP), accredited through the Congress for the New Urbanism (CNU-A), and certified through The Association of State Floodplain Managers (CFM). Prior to his roles in planning and development, Kyle proudly served our country in the U.S. Army for eight years and uses the skills gained from his experience to manage complex projects and guide teams to mission success.