ULI Oklahoma MEMBERS ONLY: Ridealong Preview of RAPID Northwest BRT with EMBARK (OKC)


2023-11-17T08:00:00 - 2023-11-17T10:00:00

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    Elemental Will open in a new window 815 N Hudson Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73102 United States


    Pricing Members Non-Members
    Private $5.00 N/A
    Public/Academic/Nonprofit $5.00 N/A
    Student $5.00 N/A
    Under Age 35 $5.00 N/A
    Help Desk: [email protected] | 1-800-321-5011

    Expanding public transit in Oklahoma City is opening new opportunities for innovative real estate development. Join ULI Oklahoma with EMBARK for a ridealong preview of Oklahoma City’s first Bus Rapid Transit line, scheduled to begin public service in December.

    RAPID NW line will connect downtown Oklahoma City with the Lake Hefner area, via Classen Boulevard and Northwest Expressway. The new line will offer faster and more frequent service, with enhanced vehicles, stations, and passenger amenities. During the ride, EMBARK’s Kristen Torkelson (Senior Project Manager) and Cody Boyd (Community Engagement Officer) will share information about the design and operational features that are unique to the RAPID Northwest line.

    Breakfast generously sponsored by:
    EMBARK is looking for volunteers to work as RAPID Ambassadors to help assist customers at the platforms and Transit Center during BRT’s launch week (December 3-9).
    Volunteers can sign up online:
    Members Only: $5
    Coffee & snacks starting at 7:30am - please arrive no later than 8:00am 


    Problems registering? Please call Customer Service (1-800-321-5011) and reference event #8122-2403

    If you are requesting a complimentary registration (Sponsor, etc.) contact the ULI Oklahoma general mailbox at [email protected]. Thanks!


    Elemental 815 N Hudson Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73102 United States

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