ULI Oklahoma: Britton District Walkabout (OKC)


2023-05-04T17:30:00 - 2023-05-04T19:00:00

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    Woodworks Distilling Co Will open in a new window 912 W Britton Rd Oklahoma City, OK 73114 United States


    Pricing Members Non-Members
    All Types $15.00 $25.00
    Help Desk: [email protected] | 1-800-321-5011

    Once part of the historic Route 66 bypass, the Britton District is now Oklahoma City’s newest developing district. A young association of business owners, neighbors and passionate parties the Britton District is dedicated to seeing the revival of interests in this historic neighborhood.

    Join us as we learn more about new and upcoming projects in the Britton District, including slated streetscape improvements.  We'll sip on beverages from the district and end with an after party at El Coyote.

    5:30pm - Woodworks Distilling Co
    6:15pm -  Self-Guided Walkabout - Hideout Art, Zero Tolerance Coffee, Madhopper Brewing
    7:00pm After Party - El Coyote (dinner on own)
    Members: $15
    Non-Members: $25


    Problems registering? Please call Customer Service (1-800-321-5011) and reference event #8122-2305
    If you are requesting a complimentary registration (Sponsor, PlaceKeepers, etc.) contact the ULI Oklahoma general mailbox at [email protected]. Thanks!

    Woodworks Distilling Co 912 W Britton Rd Oklahoma City, OK 73114 United States

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